Amber Glassman, CEO and Founder of sitting on a chair, surrounded by fashion books.

Happy International Women's Day my loves!

For those of you who don't know my name is Amber, CEO and Co-Founder of Bryan Anthonys. I’m also the woman behind all of the words and meaningful messages that accompany the jewelry.

I started BA with the intention of empowering other women, and through this journey, I myself have been empowered — by you. Your bravery, authenticity and kindness inspire me every day, not just as a writer, but as a person.

I have learned that we as women:

Have more in common than we think.

I’ve found pieces of myself in all of your stories — thank you for sharing them and reminding me that I’m not alone.

Are stronger than we think.

Many of you have seen darkness, but have the courage to find the light again — thank you for reminding me that there is strength in our struggles and hope in our healing.

Are smarter than we think.

Many of you have bought our pieces to celebrate incredible accomplishments — thank you for reminding me that dreams can be reached everyday.

In honor of this special day, I wanted to share with you a little secret that I have been keeping!

Amber Glassman CEO of Bryan Anthonys Pregnancy

Now for the big news

Ed and I are expecting our first child in April, and it’s a GIRL! I am so excited to add another girl to our BA family.

I really wanted to do something special for her and I am hoping you can help!! I am making her a book of encouragement for her to read and keep when she is older. Rather than all the words coming from me — I thought it would be so special to have it filled with some empowering thoughts from you. You are such a big part of my life, and I would love for my daughter to know that — to know women empower other women and she has so many inspiring women to learn and look up to in her BA Fam.

We would love it if you would head over to our social media and comment some encouraging, empowering words, advice, and wishes.

Share some love

Thank you so much for your help with this! I can't wait to share when it’s finished and am excited to take you along this incredible journey of life with her.



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