

Welcome to our first Monthly Mantra!

These are our monthly affirmations, words that bring us courage, guide our intuition, and spark our souls. Each month there will be a new mantra for us to consider, chosen to inspire for the days ahead. 

This month’s mantra is:

Bloom in the places your heart can grow the most

As this year begins with so many of us still feeling the aftershocks of 2020, we wanted to begin this Spring with growth in all the right places. Not only do we believe it takes the right environment to bloom, but the right mental space as well. A few questions that are important to ask ourselves: What does and doesn’t serve you right now? What self care is important for you? What are your happy places and what memories make you smile? Who in your tribe of close and cherished loved ones are your best cheerleaders when you need it?

It is important to surround yourself with the energy needed to progress!

These are all things we want to be thinking about as this time of renewal begins with April. 

It is springtime. The world is blooming. So are you.

Have patience with yourself and you will be more likely to see those nuances that can change a routine, make a day brighter, and enliven the soul. Growth takes time, but that doesn’t mean it can’t be a magical process. There should always be growth in our lives, if there isn’t are we really becoming our full, true selves? This is a reminder to fill your heart with the promises you deserve, the care you need, and the humble attitude that this will be ok. You are powerful, courageous, and an ever-evolving being, just starting the journey of becoming.

Never be afraid to bloom.

Amber Glassman, CEO & Co-Founder

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