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Fine gold finish necklaces have an added touch of class that really dresses up your day, and your outfit. Bryan Anthonys gold Vermeil is nickel free, made with precious metals, and sealed with an anti tarnish protective coating that helps your gold necklace withstand the test of time. Our 14k demi-fine gold finish necklaces have a lustrous, soft, striking hue that stands apart from other gold-plated necklaces out there.

How do you care for 14k gold finish jewelry?

Although our 14k gold finish necklaces are designed with the highest standards, caring for your jewelry properly is the best way to ensure it lasts forever. Store your gold finish necklace in a soft pouch – the original packaging it came in is perfect. Avoid any harsh chemicals or abrasives, and don’t use polish or jewelry cleaners. Removing your fine gold jewelry before you swim, shower, or workout will help keep it looking as gorgeous as the day you bought it.

What is the difference between gold-plated and gold finish?

Gold-plated jewelry has a very thin coating of karat gold on top of a mixture of base metals like copper or silver. Often on gold-plated jewelry, the plate will eventually break through, allowing the gold to tarnish. Bryan Anthonys demi-fine gold Vermeil finished jewelry is made with precious metals instead of base metals, and we use 14k gold, which has 58.3% gold content. It’s plated nickel free and has an anti tarnish coating.

Is gold finish metal real gold?

Bryan Anthonys demi-fine gold necklaces are gold Vermeil. To be considered Vermeil, the base metal must be sterling silver, the gold must be at least 10k — although we use 14k— and gold layers must be at least 2.5 microns (1/1000th of a millimeter) thick. Our gold finishes are 100 layers thick (100mls) to create the most beautifully crafted, durable gold finished necklace possible.